Yard Sale for the Cure

Starfish The Gray Team Ucluelet Real Estate

RE/MAX Mid-Island Realty will once again by hosting our “YARD SALE FOR THE CURE” on Saturday, May 25th at the RE/MAX Mid-Island Realty office.

We are starting to plan/organize for this event.  If you're doing some spring cleaning and have some items that you'd like to donate for this great cause, please consider donating to this great cause (no clothes please).

The items you no longer need will help find a cure for breast cancer!

“Yard Sale for the Cure” is the natural evolution of our involvement with breast cancer, and yet another occasion for us to give back to the community. In real estate, it’s often said that you only have one chance to make a good first impression. There is no truer adage when it comes to selling your home. A well maintained and clutter-free home will sell more quickly and for a higher price than a similar home that is not as inviting.  “Yard Sale for the Cure” provides homeowners with an excellent opportunity to unload items no longer in use, while simultaneously raising much-needed funds for Breast Cancer Research.

Fundraising events such as “Yard Sale for the Cure” ensure we all play a role in finding a cure for breast cancer!

Please contact us at:  RE/MAX Mid-Island Realty      109-1917 Peninsula Road           Phone (250) 726-2228
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