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9 Things Learned While Trying to Sell a Home

Starfish The Gray Team Ucluelet Real Estate

Are you hoping to sell your home? Discover some helpful tips in the following article about how to sell a home.

Article ran in Popular Mechanics.

9 Things I Learned from Preparing to Sell My Home

We put our house on the market last month. This was our first home, which we've lived in for more than a decade, so we expected to invest a lot of time cleaning, organizing, and making some minor repairs that we'd been putting off. Here's what we didn't see coming....

  1. Bold or white walls are no-nos.
  2.  What 'cut the clutter' really means.
  3. It's not our home anymore.
  4. The walls are in worse shape than you think
  5. Those large items might not come back out so easily
  6. Some cleaning projects will be frustratingly stubborn.
  7. Fix those nagging problems and don't expect them to be easy
  8. Everything will take longer than you think.
  9. The house won't stay clean.
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